ABA Blog

Helpful tips and resources for ABA parents and professionals. If there is a topic you would like some information on, please contact us and let us know.

ABA Parent Resources

La Alegria de Auto-Estimular…

Los comportamientos de autoestimulación o estimulación son comportamientos repetitivos en los que todos participamos, como caminar de un lado a otro, dar golpecitos con el

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ABA Parent Resources

The Joy of Stimming…

Self-stimulatory, or stimming, behaviors are repetitive behaviors that we all engage in, such as pacing, tapping our pen, shaking our leg while sitting, or humming

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ABA Parent Resources

Pairing…”Oh, what fun!”

Pairing is an important element when initiating therapy sessions. This procedure allows the therapist to create positive associations with what the child likes and enjoys.

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ABA Parent Resources

The ABCs of ABA!

I’m almost certain that you have heard of the ABCs in Applied Behavior Analysis like a broken record by now. What do these letters actually

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