Pairing…”Oh, what fun!”


Pairing is an important element when initiating therapy sessions. This procedure allows the therapist to create positive associations with what the child likes and enjoys. Pairing procedures help the child become familiar with their therapist and it gives them the freedom to choose items and activities preferred by them.


Pairing is the first step before giving instructions and implementing interventions on a learner since we want to ensure that the child is entirely comfortable and understood by their new therapist.


This may look like, “Hello Esteban, my name is Cindy, and I can’t wait to play with you!”. The child proceeds to show Cindy where all his favorite toys are, and they start to play together. Cindy will withhold any instructions, unless absolutely necessary.

For the next day or two, Cindy and Esteban will continue to engage in play with learner’s favorite items and activities. By the second to fourth day, Cindy will start to slowly give Esteban instructions and introduce the interventions put in place by the Board-Certified Behavior Analyst.

By the third or fourth day (times vary by child), Esteban would have associated Cindy with positive interactions, fun, and excitement!


Pairing is so important because it allows the therapist and child to create rapport with one another. The positive interactions between the two allow for the learning of new skills to occur since a positive foundation has been established.



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