Is it autism, or simply misbehavior?


Children of all ages engage in crying, impulsivity, tantrums, and sometimes odd behaviors as they are growing and developing. They also have many quirks that we often don’t seem to mind!
However, how do we know the difference between “oh, they’re just being kids!” and “hmm, I think there’s something else going on here”.
Below are some early signs of autism that can really get the ball rolling for your child to receive the adequate support needed.

  • Scripted speech or echolalia – saying a phrase previously heard in a movie or show out of context and repeatedly, i.e. ‘Lily is mad because she didn’t have a cupcake, oh nooo, now she’s crying’, it is okay, Lily’s mom said’
  • Demonstrates little interest with others – often plays alone or prefers to be isolated
  • Restricted & repetitive behaviors or interests – lines up toys in a particular manner, replays the same scene in a movie multiple times in a row, repeatedly flapping hands or rocking body back and forth
  • Sensory hypersensitivity – covering of ears with loud noises, aversion to band-aids, grooming (having teeth brushed, ears cleaned, etc.)
  • Difficulty coping with changes in routine

Whether or not you’re sure about what’s going on with your child, it is always best to speak to your child’s pediatrician.
Early intervention is key, and the benefits are countless!

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