Why is my child being bribed? The misconception of positive reinforcement.


For a long time now, outsiders of the ABA world equate positive reinforcement with bribery, and behavior analysts can understand why this equation occurs. Applied behavior analysis focuses on increasing the positive and more rewarding behaviors in others, therefore, when we observe something great happening the first thing we do is say “great work!”, “you’re a rockstar!”, or proceed to give children their favorite item.
Positive reinforcement is granted after the behavior occurs in order to increase it, and said behavior benefits the client and family we are supporting. The specific behavior being positively reinforced grants the learner opportunities to be more independent, to self-advocate, to acquire new skills – all in their benefit!
Bribery is negative in its essence! Bribery is offered before said behavior occurs only to benefit the person offering the bribe. Take for instance someone offering you $20 to convince you to throw cake at someone they truly dislike. The only winner in a bribery is the briber.
Bribery teaches nothing and can lead someone into serious trouble.
So, next time you hear that your child is being bribed in ABA, correct them, and say
“incorrect, my child’s positive behaviors are being reinforced” and proceed to give them $20 to believe you (hehe).

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